Healthy Food | Nutrition facts and Reality For Growth | Body Armor For Health | Health Partners

Healthy Food | Nutrition facts and Reality For Growth | Body Armor For Health | Health Partners

Healthy Food & Nutrition Facts, Would you like to have more energy, stronger bones, healthier skin and much more? Is there any special formula for that? Well, no, but eating a mix of healthy foods is pretty close!

Healthy eating habits help you feel good and have energy in your life now. But they can also help you avoid the hassle of trying to lose extra kilos later. And eating healthy foods can help prevent diseases like diabetes and heart problems. Eating healthy can even help you live longer!

Eating well can be easier than you think! In our nutrition information section, you can learn to eat healthy foods that taste delicious and do not cost a fortune. Of course, you may have to practice some new habits, but we are here to help! You can read what girls like you say about eating healthy.


What Nutrients are

Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to the maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism. Includes intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and food excretion

Nutrients are things your body needs to do all the work it does, such as growing and fighting diseases. Click below to know the main nutrients you need and the foods that contain them. After reading, you can do a quick test to see what you know about health and nutrition.

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Carbohydrates as Nutrition Facts

Healthy Food & Nutrition Facts - Carbohydrates (for example: kar-boh-HEYE-drayts) are the body's main source of energy. Sometimes they are called "carbohydrates" for short. If you have heard about low carb diets, you may think that carbohydrates are bad for you. Well, eating some carbohydrates is important. They help your body store energy for later use. Keep reading to learn more about:

Types of carbohydratesChoose carbohydrates

Types of carbohydrates arrow top
The carbohydrate group includes simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates and fiber.

Simple carbohydrates are "simple" because they are in the most basic form. They are also sometimes called simple sugars. They include sugar in sugar bowls and in sweets. They also include the types of sugar found naturally in fruits, vegetables and milk. So, if fruit and sweets have sugar, why choose fruit? The fruit has many other nutrients that are excellent for your health. An orange, for example, has vitamin C that is good for your skin.

Complex carbohydrates are "complex" because they are made of many simple sugars together. They are also called starches. They include bread, cereal and pasta. They also include certain vegetables, such as potatoes, peas and corn. Your body needs to split starches into sugars to use as energy.

Fiber comes in many forms, such as the external parts of rice and other grains. Fiber offers many health benefits, including help with digestion. Also, because your body can not break it down, fiber helps you feel satisfied. That means you are less likely to overeat.

Healthy Food & Nutrition Facts - Choose carbohydrates arrow up
Sure, you may want to have some goodies once in a while. In general, however, try to choose carbohydrates that offer the best boost to your health. Here is some useful information to help you choose:

When eating grains, choose mostly whole grains.

Grains are foods such as wheat, rice, oats and corn flour. There are two main types of grains: whole grains and refined grains.

Whole grains are foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole corn flour and oatmeal. They offer many nutrients that your body needs, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.

At least half of the grains you eat should be whole grains.

It is not difficult to determine if a product has a large amount of whole grains. Just check the list of ingredients in the package and see if a whole grain is one of the first items listed.

Keep in mind that "multigrain bread," "100% wheat," and brown-looking bread are not necessarily whole-grain breads.

Refined grains mean that the food company has eliminated some of the grain and, along with it, some of the great nutrients. That's why your best bet is whole grain.

Enriched products mean that some nutrients have been added again. If you eat products with refined grains, try to eat those that are enriched.

Healthy Food & Nutrition Facts - Try eating foods with dietary fiber.

Foods that contain good amounts of fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

The nutrition information label on the back of the packages food tester tells you how much fiber a product has. Try to eat a total of about 25 grams of fiber per day. Try to avoid foods with a lot of added sugar.

High sugar foods can have many calories but not much nutrition.

Eating lots of calories can lead to an unhealthy weight, which can cause health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Try to keep sugars added to less than 10% of your calories. If you eat around 2,000 calories a day, that means you do not want the sugar to add more than 200 calories. A regular can of soda can have around 150 calories of added sugar.

Things that have a lot of added sugars include fruit drinks, energy or sports drinks, cakes, cookies, donuts and ice cream.

You can see if a food or drink has added sugars by looking at the list of ingredients. The ingredients are listed from the largest amount to the least amount. If a type of sugar appears early on the list, it means that the product has a lot of sugar.

Healthy Food & Nutrition Facts - The types of sugars added include:
Corn sweetener and corn syrup
Fructose (for example: FRUHK-tohss) and high fructose corn syrup
Dextrose (for example: DEKS-trohss)
Glucose (say: GLOO-kohss)
Maltose (say: MAHL-tohss)
Sucrose (say: SOO-krohss)
Sugar and brown sugar
Syrup and malt syrup

If you are thinking about using a sugar substitute, you may wonder if they are safe. The US Food and Drug Administration. UU It approves their safety before they can be sold in food and beverages, such as diet soft drinks. They can be used "in moderation," so try not to eat or drink them throughout the day, and focus on foods that contain nutrients, such as fruits and vegetables. Some sugar substitutes that you can buy include:

Aspartame (for example: ASS-per-taym), in products such as Equal
Sucralose (say: SOO-kruh-lohs), in products such as Splenda
Saccharin (for example: SAH-kuh-rihn), in products such as Sweet'N Low
Acesulfame potassium (for example: AY-see-SUHL-fahm PUH-tah-see-uhm), in products such as Sweet One
Stevia (say: STEE-vee-uh), in products like Truvia

Fat as Nutrition Facts

Does fat sound like something you should stop eating? Actually, your body needs a little fat to grow and function well. Your body uses fats to get energy, make hormones, keep your nerves healthy and more. But it is important to make sure you eat the right kinds and amounts of fats.

Nutrition Facts - How much fat should I eat? up arrow
The scoop on fat is quite simple. Unsaturated fats are a better choice than other fats (read why), but you still do not want to eat many of them. Fat has more than twice as many calories per unit of measure as carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, eating too much fat can increase your calories too much, which can cause you to gain too much weight. And being overweight or obese can cause serious health problems.

Do you want an idea of ​​the amount of fat to eat? You should aim for a total of fat that is between 25% and 35% of all the calories you consume in a day. If you eat around 2,000 calories in a day, that means you would eat about 500 calories from fat.

Here is another way to think about it: the nutrition information label of the food packages tells you the% of the daily value, which is the percentage of the day in that article. So, if your brownie says, "50% daily value" for fat, then you probably have eaten about half your fat for the day.

Some excellent ways to reduce your fat are to limit the amount you eat from foods such as fatty meats, skin of poultry and cakes and biscuits.

What types of fats should I eat? up arrow

To take care of your health, you should think about some types of fat:

Unsaturated Fats, Nutrition Facts 

Unsaturated fats are the most healthy type of fat.

You want most of the fats you eat to be unsaturated fats (for example: uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid).
Unsaturated fats are found in many oils, such as olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil and safflower oil. They are also found in plant foods, such as avocados and nuts, and in fatty fish, such as salmon, herring, albacore tuna, trout and mackerel.

Omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 fatty acids) are a type of unsaturated fat that can increase heart health. You can get them from fatty fish (see examples from the previous bullet) and some plant foods, such as canola oil, soybean oil, walnuts and flax seeds. You can also read the ingredients listed in the food package.

If you want to know if a food has unsaturated fats, check the nutrition label on the package. They may be listed as monounsaturated fats (for example: mon-noh-uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid) or polyunsaturated fats (for example: pol-ee-uhn-SACH-uh-ray-tid).

Saturated Fats, Nutrition Facts

Saturated foods are often in fats that are solid when they are at room temperature, such as butter. They are a type of fat that you should eat only in small amounts.

Experts suggest that you get less than 10% of your calories from saturated fats. That's not much, because small amounts of fat have a lot of calories. Look at the nutrition information label to see the amounts of saturated fats in the food.

Saturated fats are found in red meat, such as beef, pork and lamb. They are also found in products of animal origin, such as butter and ice cream, as well as in whole yogurt, cheese and milk (but not in non-fat dairy products because the fat has been removed). Be careful with them in foods such as pizza, cakes, cookies and hot dogs.

Saturated fats are also found in palm and coconut oils. These oils are often used in cakes, cookies and packaged cookies.

Trans fat, Nutrition Facts

Trans fats are often found in fats that are solid at room temperature, such as butter. They are a type of fat that you should limit.

Experts say that they eat as little trans fat as possible. The nutrition label on the back of the food packages lists the amount of trans fats.

Trans fats are often found in margarine, in microwave popcorn, and in cakes, cookies, and packaged cookies. They are also found in fried foods, such as donuts and fried chicken.

Trans fats are found in some foods naturally, but in very small amounts. Sometimes they are added to food. When they are added, they can appear in the list of ingredients as "hydrogenated" oils (for example: heye-DROJ-uh-nay-tid) or "partially hydrogenated".

Cholesterol, Nutrition Facts,

Cholesterol is a type of food that is similar to fat and should limit it.

Too much cholesterol can cause health problems, such as heart disease.

It is a good idea to eat as little cholesterol as possible. You can aim for 100 to 300 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol per day. A steak usually has more than 200 mg of cholesterol and a medium egg has about 150 mg. The nutrition label on the back of a food packet lists the amount of cholesterol it contains.

Some ways to reduce cholesterol include eating fewer products that come from animals such as meat and ice cream.

Minerals as Nutrition Facts

Like vitamins, minerals are things that our body needs to be healthy. Our bodies can not make them, so we have to eat minerals in food. See our chart below to see some important minerals.

You may have heard a lot about certain minerals, such as calcium and sodium. That's because girls can get too much or too little of them. If you want to know what is "right", read our information on minerals that require special attention.

Proteins, Nutrition Facts

Proteins (for example: PROH-teens) are found in every cell of your body, where they work to do the following:

Help your cells get energy from the food you eat
Build and repair parts of your body
Work to help carry oxygen to every part of your body
Build your bones and help your muscles flex
Proteins are made up of smaller parts called amino acids (for example: uh-MEE-noh ASS-ihdz). They look a bit like beads in a chain.

Healthy Food & Nutrition Facts - Foods with proteins come in two types: complete proteins or incomplete proteins.

Complete proteins are foods that have all the amino acids that your body needs. Meats and other animal products (such as milk, cheese, eggs, and yogurt) are complete proteins.

Incomplete proteins are foods that do not provide all the amino acids that your body needs. Plant foods (such as beans or nuts) are incomplete proteins. It may seem that you can not get all the amino acids you need if you do not eat products of animal origin, but that is not true. People who do not eat products of animal origin can get all the different amino acids by eating a variety of plant foods and combining different plant foods, such as rice and beans. Learn more about this type of food or vegetarianism.

Good Sources of Protein, Nutrition Facts

There are many delicious ways to get the protein your body needs. Try to get protein from a variety of sources.

Here are some protein options:

Fish and seafood (which have certain health benefits, so try eating them twice a week instead of meat or chicken)
Poultry (like chicken or turkey, without skin)
Lean red meat (lean meat, pork and lamb, such as ground beef that is at least 90% lean)
Walnuts without salt
Peanut butter
Nut butters, like almond butter
Beans (pinto beans and beans, for example)
Peas (such as black-eyed peas and chickpeas)
Soy products (tofu, tempeh, vegetarian burgers, fortified soy milk)
Non-fat or low-fat milk
Non-fat or low-fat dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt)

Vitamins as Nutrition Facts

If carbohydrates, proteins and fats are the main actors, then vitamins are important support actors in your diet. They help build bones, heal cuts and even give you healthy skin.

Your body also needs minerals to grow and be healthy. You can think of minerals as things like silver and gold, but minerals are also in food. Read all about the minerals you need.

Girls can get very little of two important vitamins: vitamin D and folic acid. Read our information below about vitamins that need special attention.

Vitamins that need special attention

We love all our vitamins, but two deserve special mention.

Nutrition Facts - Vitamin D works together with calcium, an important mineral, for bone health. Be sure to get 600 International Units of vitamin D every day. You can consult the table below for foods with vitamin D. Get more information on vitamin D and bone health.

Folic acid helps prevent a serious birth defect in babies. Anyone who can get pregnant needs 400 to 800 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day. Foods fortified with grains, such as fortified cereals and breads, have added folic acid. Eating a bowl of cereal every day is one way to get folic acid, but check the nutrition label on the box to see if your cereal has 100% of what you need. Another source is 100% orange juice. You can also get folic acid from a pill.

Water as Nutrition Facts,

Did you know that water represents more than half of your body weight? Water does incredible things for you. Help:

How much water do you need? up arrow
Water is very important, but how much do you need? Here are some tips to help you know when to drink:

Healthy Food & Nutrition Facts - Always make sure you drink when you feel thirsty.

Drink extra water when it is hot or when you are physically active. Learn more about water and be active. Each person has different needs, and most Americans get enough water. If you want a general idea, keep in mind that teenage girls usually need about 7 cups of fluids per day. Soup, juice, tea and other liquids count towards that total.

Your urine should be light yellow. If it's dark yellow, you probably need more water.

Healthy Food & Nutrition Facts - How about bottled water? up arrow
Some people like bottled water because of its taste or convenience. Some people buy it because they think it's safer than tap water. If you are concerned about safety, your local water department can give you more information about local water. If you are interested in bottled water, keep in mind some things.

There are different types of bottled water. Sometimes, bottled water is tap water that has been subjected to a special process. Read the label for more information.

Most bottled water does not have added fluoride. Fluoride is added to tap water in most of the United States to help prevent cavities. If you mostly drink bottled water, you may not get enough fluoride.

Bottled water has an effect on the environment, and not just because bottles can end up in the trash. For example, sending water to the store creates pollution.
Ways to drink more water arrow top

Do you find the water boring? If you want to make your water a bit more, good, appetizing, you can:
  • Add a little lemon or lime
  • Slide in a slice of cucumber
  • Test the sparkling water
  • Add a piece of fruit or a splash of juice
  • Other drinks arrow top
  • If you choose a drink other than water, keep these tips in mind:
Limit sugary sodas and drinks like punch. These often have many calories without any nutrition. Instead, choose water or low-calorie drinks.

Choose 1% or skim milk. Whole milk is not so good for you partly because it is high in saturated fat.
It is not necessary to drink water with special vitamins. Eating a mix of healthy foods is all you need. And some vitamin waters have a lot of added sugar.

You do not need to drink many special sports drinks. These are most useful when you are active for more than an hour at a time, especially in hot climates.

Avoid energy drinks. Energy drinks often have a lot of caffeine, which can ruin your sleep and cause other problems. They also have added sugars and other ingredients that may be unhealthy.

Your blood carries oxygen to all parts of your body

Digest your food
Get rid of waste products through your urine (pee)

Stay cool with sweat
Keep reading to learn more about water and health.

The diet of an organism is what it eats, which is largely determined by the availability and palatability of the food. For humans, a healthy diet includes food preparation and storage methods that preserve nutrients from oxidation, heat or leaching, and that reduce the risk of food borne illness.

Why Nutrition is Important "Nutrition Facts"

Eating a balanced diet is vital for good health and well-being. Food provides our bodies with energy, proteins, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly. We need a wide variety of different foods to provide the right amounts of nutrients for good health. The enjoyment of a healthy diet can also be one of the great cultural pleasures of life. Foods and dietary patterns that promote good nutrition are described in the Child Feeding Guidelines and the Australian Dietary Guidelines. An unhealthy diet increases the risk of many diseases related to diet.

Nutrition Risk Factors "Nutrition Facts"

The main causes of death, disease and disability in which diet and nutrition play an important role include coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, some forms of cancer, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, dental caries, the gall bladder, dementia and nutritional anemias. The Infant Feeding Guidelines and the Australian Dietary Guidelines help us to eat a healthy diet and minimize our risk of developing diet-related diseases.

Healthy Food | Nutrition facts and Reality For Growth | Body Armor For Health | Health Partners

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